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Kenneth Rockwood

Ken is a world-renowned expert in geriatric medicine, with particular expertise in clinical and epidemiological aspects of frailty, dementia and delirium. Ken is recognized as a world leader in both clinical care and in clinical research. He has published more than 300 peer-reviewed scientific publications and seven books, including the seventh edition of the Brocklehurst’s Textbook of Geriatric Medicine & Gerontology. Ken holds the prestigious Kathryn Allen Weldon Professor of Alzheimer Research at Dalhousie University. He is also staff internist and geriatrician at the Capital District Health Authority in Halifax. Ken holds several CIHR grants, including as Principal Investigator of the Canada China Collaboration on Aging and Longevity and the Canadian Dementia Knowledge Translation Network. The latter is a national, multi-centre project to provide better care for people with dementia by facilitating and carrying out translational research and knowledge translation. In addition to being an expert in his medical specialty, Ken also holds a Master of Public Administration, with particular interest in healthcare system analysis and healthcare policy. Ken received his Doctor of Medicine at Memorial University, completed internal medicine training at the University of Alberta, and geriatric medicine training at Dalhousie University. Ken received his MPA degree from Queens University. Ken has been the recipient of countless national and international awards for his clinical service and his clinical research.